My heart beats a little faster when I hear the word "chosen". Sometimes I have to just stop what I'm doing and listen for the Lord to whisper that word into me.
He chose me, He chose my heart to belong to Him.
I've been reading The Ragamuffin Gospel and my jaw has been dropping page after page.
Get this:
"If you were to hold out a dime at arm's length while gazing at the night sky, the coin would block out 15 million stars from your view, if your eyes could see with that power."
"The earth's weight has been estimated at six sextillion tons (that's six with twenty-one zeros). Yet it is perfectly balanced and turn easily on its axis."
"We are traveling through space at 19 miles per second or about 68,000 miles per hour."
I mean that is insane. That same all-powerful Creator tells me that I am His and that He chose me.
Psalm 8
...I look up at your heavens, shaped by your fingers, at the moon and the stars you set firm, what are human beings that you spare a thought for them, or the child of Adam that you care for him?
"We tremble before God's majesty...yet we grow squeamish and skittish before God's love." |
When I grow discouraged, I run to the thought of knowing the One who has my heart is the same One who hung those stars in the sky. I run and jump into His arms. Praying that He will hold me close and saturate me with His grace.
God chose me to spread the Gospel at Athens Drive High School and He never told me it would be easy, but man it's gonna be worth it. He chose me because I was unable, because I am weak. Yet He tells me to get up. He tells me that when I can't hold onto Him, He's still holding onto me. What God started in me He's going to finish. He loves me consistently, He nurtures me consistently and embraces me consistently despite my broken, worn out heart. And in that I will delight and find my hope in.